New! JAFE Established Color Collection.

Established Color Collection

“We are proud to introduce our new, established color collection. These 18 colors can expedite the ordering process for customers while offering a quality color that is popular or trending in markets.”

Randy O’Dell, JAFE President.
12 of 18 colors.
These are 12 of the 18 colors we offer.

The Purpose Behind Our New Color Collection.

Recurring colors ordered by customers are ambers, cobalt, whites, blacks, and even opaque pink. Our team typically asks customers for a swatch of color inspiration to match. Some companies have inquired about instant orders with these traditional colors. Our customers needed a color collection that is 1) popular in the marketplace and 2) can save time and money.

Our collection does not go through our sampling process! Simply place your Purchase Order and ship your glass product to our facility. Or, fill out our instant Google form within 10 minutes to receive an estimate or sales order within 24-48 hours. Are you interested in ordering production without a sampling process? Check out our colors today!
